The Westport Club will present Tacking Point Surf Life Saving Club and Port Macquarie Surf Life Saving Club with a $1,200 donation each, on Monday 18 February 2019.
The donation comes as a result of fundraising efforts by the Club over the Christmas and New Year period. Funds were raised via gold coin donations which were made by visitors and locals at Port Central Shopping Centre. In return for their donation, donors received a kite and a Westport Club cap.
Further donations were also raised at The Westport Club’s Fireworks Spectacular, a free community event hosted by the Club at Westport Park on Friday 11 January.
The Westport Club’s vision is to make a significant contribution to the quality of community life, and it is through holding fundraisers for local clubs and community organisations, that this vision becomes a reality. As a result of the donation, both surf clubs will be able to upgrade equipment that is vital in their work keeping locals and visitors safe in the surf.
Community and Sports Manager Jenny Edmunds, that the Westport Club team were proud to be able to support our local Surf Life Saving Clubs this summer.
“These donations will support the surf clubs with the purchase of a surf ski and rescue board,” Mrs Edmunds said.
“The Westport Club wishes to thank all those volunteers who work hard on our local beaches to keep us all safe in the water each and every day. This is just some small way that The Westport Club can support our local surf clubs to continue their vital work in the community”.
For more information on the community groups and sub-clubs that the Westport Club supports, visit the Westport Club website and check out the Community page.
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